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These eleven sets help Christian educators teach the Bible to children and youth in interesting and fun ways.


The Top 55 list of those who are mentioned most in the Bible, begins, of course with #1, Jesus. The cards are great for teaching and educational games. (There are many different games.) The booklet is for reference & study. -- In English or Japanese

UNO ® In Counseling

You only have one life. So use your abilities for God. They vary from person to person. Red cards = physical; green cards = wealth; blue cards = mental; yellow cards = social. We win by using our cards for God, not by keeping them.

PLUS+ Bible Studies

This is a great easy-to-use method. Look for negatives. Look for the positives. Choose the top negative. Choose the top positive. Then make applications.


The top list in this booklet is of the people in the Bible ranked from 1 to ~385. Other lists are topical or alphabetical. These lists are great for reference, study, games, and quizzing.

The Four Gospels

GRAPHICS: color-coded, topical summary charts, and chapter-by-chapter data on various themes. Each chart has all four Gospels together on one page. There is also a "Find Waldo" like game. -- in English or Japanese

People in David's Life

These 21 studies include many lesser-known men and women such as: Michal, Mephibosheth, Abigail, Uriah, and the prophet Gad. -- The set is available in English and Japanese. -- Some games are included.


Four methods are used in this set of material: 1.) Questions asked, 2.) What God did? 3.) Top 55 in Genesis, and 4.) studies on Joseph


The special animals in the Bible, such as Balaam's talking donkey and the ravens that fed Elijah were usually just ordinary animals that the Creator used in special ways.


The simplest and best way to diagram a Bible verse or passage is to create a visual centered around the verbs. This makes Bible memory work much easier.


The twenty questions in this set which youth in the Bible were asked can be used in a variety of ways in youth meetings, home school settings, or Christian schools.


The main purpose of the S.E.E.D. studies is to assure that God is never overlooked. The reading of chapters as "Salads" helps us appreciate all the healthy, God-given variety. And the various Summary charts are for hearty, in-depth studies.

© 2022 by Jon F. Mahar, Hakusan City, Japan