Check out these 22 studies on animals in the Bible.
There are 22 studies in this set each of which has a worksheet and a page of commentary, but there is also a set of 22 CARDS which go with the set and can be used in various games and to augment the studies in various ways. Click on the link below to go to the cards and game page.
Special animals - cards / gamesThe studies in this set make use of the Descriptive Meditation Method. In most cases, the animal(s) themselves are described. A worksheet with instruction is provided. In addition, notes are added to explain the worksheet points and provide other important information.
You can make your own Descriptive Bible Studies using Describe-It-Yourself cards. All you need to do is: 1.) decide what passage(s) you wish to study, 2.) decide whom or what you wish to describe, and then 3.) use a DIY card set to help you describe what or whom you chose.
For More Information,There are Four Describe-It-Yourself Card Sets to choose from. Two sets, (A) and (B), are shorter to save time. In two sets, (A) and (M), all the cards have blank lines for extra thought stimulation. Over half of the cards in the Pro (P) set have blank lines as well. Beaginners may enjoy the simplicity of the Short List (B) set, but those with time for detailed studies may like the Mid List (M) or Pro List (P) sets. Yet, the best set for most users is Short List (A).
© 2022 by Jon F. Mahar, Hakusan City, Japan