The Bible Top 55 set is great for studies in Genesis because twelve of the top 55 people in the Bible (22% of them) are found in the Book of Beginnings. They are listed below in chronological order and with their respective ranking on the Top 55 list. The cards can be used in several interesting and educational ways.
The Bible Top 55 cards and related materials are available in English (sample above) or as a bilingual set in Japanese and English (sample below). The cards can be printed out free of charge using the links above and below. For additional related materials, go to the Bible Top 55 Intro. page.
This is a great summary chart and outline of Genesis focused on the questions asked therein. It can be used to study selected questions asked and answers given throughout the book. One creative method of doing so is shown below in 2b.
Adam knew
that he should not eat the forbidden fruit, but he did so anyway. Thus there was a gap between what he knew and what he did. The first column on the worksheet below is about what he knew and how he knew it.
Adam did
not obey the Lord's command, choosing rather to go along with Eve in disobeying the Lord. The second column on the worksheet below describes what Adam did and why he did it.
God acted
graciously so that the consequences of Adam's sinful actions (his knowing-doing gap) could be overcome in part at the time and more so eventually through the coming of the Messiah. The third column in the worksheet below is about what God did.
Was knowledge the problem?
Eve did not seem to know enough about God's command. Adam, however, knew better and was not deceived (1 Tim. 2:14). He sinned by acting contrary to what he knew. Thus Adam provides the first example in the Bible of a knowing-doing gap.
The worksheet
above contains answers for small group leaders or Sunday school teachers for a study on Adam, but the blank worksheet below is for optional use personally or in groups.
How would you describe Eve? Obviously, she was Adam's wife, but in the worksheet below the answer goes further, showing that she was Adam's only wife. God, of course, could have formed more than one woman from Adam's rib, but polygamy was never God's plan. Likewise, God could have created another man rather than the woman, but, of course, he did not. Homosexuality also has always been contrary to God's design.
Eve was like her husband, in that they were both created in the image of God (1:26-27). Yet, she was also unlike him in various ways. The physical differences were and still are obvious, of course, but in addition Adam was formed first and was not deceived by the serpent like Eve was. These differences have important implications for the roles of men and women within the church. (See 1 Timothy 2:11-15.)
Several of the worksheet points concern the Fall. The serpent was able to distract Eve from her true purpose of serving the Lord with Adam to focus instead on personal knowledge and the forbidden fruit (3:1-6). In the process, the evil one cast doubt on God's goodness.
The Fall greatly changed Eve and her relationship with Adam, because they both died spiritually. Their physical condition was impacted as well, although Eve was still much healthier than women today. Although male leadership was built into God's design all along, after the Fall Adam became more domineering and Eve more competitive (3:16).
It is easy to blame Eve for the Fall, since she sinned first and taught Adam to sin as well (3:6). Yet, Adam was more responsible, since he sinned willfully and was not deceived.
The promise of the Messiah coming as the seed of the woman (3:15) gave Eve hope, but her hopes for Cain came to a bitter end (4:1-15). The virgin birth was still thousands of years in the future at that point, though Eve had no way of knowing.
One of the most tragic things about Adam and Eve is that they are often not taken seriously today. In part this is because they lived long before Moses and are therefore in a way "prehistoric." They were real people, however, and their actions, such as the blame shifting in 3:12-13, are fully in line with how real people normally deal with guilt today as well. The hypocrisy of modern septics is most clearly seen in their eager acceptance of highly questionable interpretations of the prehistoric fossil record in contrast to their biased rejection of the early biblical record.
You can make your own Descriptive Bible Studies using Describe-It-Yourself cards. All you need to do is: 1.) decide what passage(s) you wish to study, 2.) decide whom or what you wish to describe, and then 3.) use the DIY card sets to help you describe what or whom you chose.
For More Information,There are Four Describe-It-Yourself Card Sets to choose from. Two sets, (A) and (B), are shorter to save time. In two sets, (A) and (M), all the cards have blank lines for extra thought stimulation. Over half of the cards in the Pro (P) set have blank lines as well. Beaginners may enjoy the simplicity of the Short List (B) set, but those with time for detailed studies may like the Mid List (M) or Pro List (P) sets. Yet, the best set for most users is Short List (A).
Creation, of course, comes first on the list of 101 things that God does, did, and will do, but there are several references to Genesis on this great list. Creation and the Flood also are prominent in Second Peter chapter three which is covered in one of the Double-Top Bible Studies.
How would you describe Sarah? The most obvious points are that she was the wife of Abraham and the mother of Isaac, but beyond these how SHOULD she be described? The recond in Genesis contains many negative points. Chief among these is her disastrous plan concerning Hagar, but that is not all. In addition, the Lord famously rebuked her for her unbelief and laughter in chapter 18.
In the New Testament, however, Sarah is shown in a more positive light, especially as a woman of faith in Hebrews 11:11. Rather than contradicting Genesis, this is divine explanation. Sarah was, indeed, doubtful at first, but Hebrews 11 shows that she must have later repented, probably as a result of the Lord's rebuke. In Genesis as well, her laughter in chapter 21 was a sign of her faith in contrast to her earlier unbelieving laughter. Moreover, though Abraham is often presented as a great example of faith, we must not forget that Abraham and Sarah were together in leaving Ur and again later regarding the birth of a son. (See Romans 4:16-22.)
How was Sarah the best example of biblical submission in marriage? (See 1 Pet. 3:6.) A better question might be, "Who would you suggest as an example instead of Sarah?" There are various godly women in the Old Testament. For instance, Ruth's faith and love toward her mother-in-law is wonderful to behold, but submission to Boaz is NOT the point of the story.
The contrast between Hagar and Sarah may be helpful here. Though Hagar attempted to run away in chapter 16, Sarah never did so. In fact, some believe that Sarah was too submissive because she went along with Abram's "She's-my-sister." line in Egypt (Gen. 12:10-20) and again later regarding Abimelech (20:2). She was surprisingly silent on both occasions as far as we can tell. Perhaps she actually was too silent and submissive, but, for sure, she was NOT rebellious.
It is easy to criticize Rebekah and Jacob for deceiving Isaac, but Isaac also had deceived himself for years about God's plan for his sons. Today, as well people often deceive themselves by willfully forgetting portions of God's Word.
A blank worksheet is included for optional personal or group use.
1.) There is a study on Joseph being betrayed by his brothers in the Godless Times series. 2.) There is a study on his great wisdom (regarding Pharaoh's dream) in the I.D.E.A. Bible Studies series. 3.) There is a study on his Egyptian wife, Asenath, in the Lesser-Known Women series. 4.) There is a study on God's blessing in his life in the W.A.L.K. Four-Step Bible Studies set.
This is the Godless Times worksheet for the study on Joseph's betrayal by his brothers.
There is much about ancestry and moving in Genesis. So this is a photo of Jon's father and mother taken in 1942, probably just as they were leaving Maine for Connecticut where Dad worked during the war. His brother was born there in 1945, and Jon was born back in Maine after the war in 1948. Details like these will bore nonfamily members, but all families, tribes, and nations have background stories, and Genesis is full of them.
© 2020 by Jon F. Mahar, Hakusan City, Japan
Check out these various ways to study Genesis.